


FEMINISM GLORIA- strategic approach of gender equality

The project aims to support 22 member NGOs in the Romanian Women’s Lobby (ROWL) through organizational development, strengthening the role of monitoring and advocacy on women’s rights, gender equality, and combating gender-based violence. The partnership i


Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

Gloria -feminism and strategic approach of gender equality


Archive Romanian Women's Lobby -Bucharest 2019, Gender Budgeting project Project purpose

Supporting the 22 member NGOs in Romanian Women's Lobby through organizational development, strengthening the role of monitoring and advocacy on women's rights, gender equality and combating gender-based violence in order to achieve a strategic approach, strengthen financial and organizational resources and increasing the capacity to raise public awareness of the problems faced by women beneficiaries of NGO services


1. Strengthening the role of monitoring and advocacy and a strategic approach of the 21 member NGOs in Romanian Women's Lobby by involving them in 6 advocacy campaigns with themes gender budgeting, parity in policy decision-making, data collection and service budgeting of domestic and gender violence, analysis of the effects of economic migration on the transnational family, of the impact of digitalization and of climate change from the perspective of gender equality in Romania

2. Supporting 22 Romanian Women's Lobby NGOs to align with key information and policies in the field of gender equality at national and European level, using experts from Romania, Norway, Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria in feminist camps NOW, national events and local feminist solidarity, specific trainings for involvement in political life, community participation, lobbying and advocacy.

3. Increasing the capacity of the Romanian Women's Lobby as the national coordination of the European Women's Lobby to strengthen its role at local and European level - addressing gender budgeting, parity in policy making, domestic and gender violence, analysis of the effects of economic migration on the family transnationals, digitalisation, climate change and their impact on women through policy briefs, films, podcasts and direct national and European lobbying.

4. Supporting 22 Romanian Women's Lobby NGOs using experts from Romania, Norway, Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria, to develop transparent and accountable organizational governance procedures, of which at least 15 NGOs have effective management procedures, regularly to the general public information on the results obtained (through annual reports, websites and online presentations) and at least 2 NGOs have two sources of funding, representing 20% ​​of the annual budget.


Beneficiaries of the project

22 NGOs members of ROWL and the umbrella organization, as well as all their beneficiaries, the vulnerable categories are women from rural areas, Roma, with disabilities, victims of domestic violence, victims of economic migration, excluded from political decision making. :

Target group: 40 experts and volunteers in ROWL member organizations

Direct participants: 570 girls and women participating at local and national level, 100 girls and women selected at national level, of which 50 young women - in feminist camps NOW; 200 women participating in national events, 20 Roma women from Cracaoani and Vinatori Neamt -participants in personal development activities, 250 women candidates or interested in getting involved in politics500 participants in the festival of gender equality -adolescents and young people, teachers, school psychologists, students, 290 stakeholders involved in promotion events and press conferences


Addressing the issue: Organizational development for ROWL member NGOs, AGORA feminist camps, national events and ROWL campaigns, local feminist solidarity events, lobbying and advocacy in gender budgeting, women in decision making 50/50, analysis of domestic violence and violence standards gender, advocacy campaigns on issues related to the effects of economic migration on the transnational family, digitalization, climate change from the perspective of gender equality in Romania using experts from Romania, Norway, Hungary, Poland and Bulgaria.

Partnership is a unique combination of 6 partners with expertise in the field of gender equality - the applicant with 20 years of experience in promoting modern legislation in the field of violence against women in Romania. CMSC is a founding member of the Romanian Women's Lobby - partner 1. ROWL brought together in this project the partner 2 - Foreningen Hedda (from Norway, with which it collaborated in the field of gender-based violence), as well as the national coordinations of the European Women's Lobby from Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland.


The project is implemented by Community Safety and Mediation Center Foundation in partnership with the Romanian Women's Lobby Association, Foreningen Hedda; Network of East West Women; Bulgarian Platform of European Women's Lobby; MagyarNöi Erdekérvényesitö Szövetség/Hungarian Women's Lobby and benefits from a 249,943 euros grant from Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants Grants 2014 -2021. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit http://www.eeagrants.org. More details about Active Citizens Fund Romania are available at www.activecitizensfund.ro

Project implemented by:


Redirecționează 3.5% din impozitul pe profit pentru a continua proiectele pe combaterea violenței împotriva femeilor!


Fundația Centrul de Mediere și Securitate Comunitară (CMSC) - singurul ONG din Iași licențiat în servicii pentru victime ale violenței domestice – asistă anual aproximativ 150 persoane adulte și copii ce se confruntă cu situații abuzive. Acestea beneficiază de consiliere juridică și reprezentare în instanță, de programe de terapie individuală/de grup pentru a depăși traumele generate de violență, programe educaționale pentru copiii martori/victime ai/ale violenței domestice, asistență și suport material în situații de criză, precum și decontarea unor costuri cum ar fi cele necesare pentru eliberarea certificatelor medico-legale.

Cazurile ajung în atenția fundației prin: adresarea directă a persoanei care are nevoie de sprijin, semnalarea de către colaboratorii cu care s-au dezvoltat parteneriate (Direcția de Asistență Socială, Direcția Generală de Asistență Socială și Protecția Copilului, alte ONG-uri, autorități locale, secții de poliție, unități de învățământ etc.) sau prin intermediul Serviciului Helpline înființat de către CMSC, telefon verde gratuit 0800.070.017 dedicat victimelor violenței domestice. Aceste servicii sunt oferite în mod gratuit fiind finanțate, pentru o perioadă determinată, din fonduri norvegiene. Pentru a asigura o continuitate în furnizarea acestor programe, avem nevoie de contribuția dumneavoastră.

Informaţii utile

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Pagina Facebook

Email: lalbu@cmsc.ro

Telefon verde: 0800.070.017

Telefon urgență: +40787.878.806

Constantin Langa Street no. 103X, Miroslava village, Miroslava commune, Iasi county, Romania, 707305

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